How to Make a Success of 2024

Back when I was a teenager in high school, I had a teacher who used to say, “If you aim at nothing you will probably get nothing.” He happened to be a believer and so he applied this philosophy to his spiritual growth, as well as to other areas of his life and work. That simple statement […]

Three Steps to Becoming Leaders of Integrity        

Leadership has many pitfalls. One of the most common is disillusion and cynicism fed by a lack of integrity in leaders. As humans, we are attracted to follow leaders who exude confidence and charisma, are great communicators with clear vision, and appear to have resources, connections, and power. If I feel seen and known by […]

Leadership with Humor

I was getting on an airplane with Loren and Floyd McClung. Loren went through the door way first. He stepped inside and said to the hostess, “Hi, I’m medium.” Then he let Floyd (6’6) in and said to the hostess, “and this is large.” And then he let me in and said, “and this is […]

Lessons from Loren’s Life on Finishing Well

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our […]

Memories of working as Loren’s Scheduling Assistant

‘Roy, could you come over to my place please?’  It was a Friday evening, and Loren was just back from a tour; I assumed that he had new trips to plan. I  had been working in Lausanne as his scheduling assistant for a couple of years by this time. Each time I’d drive him to Geneva Airport […]

Are YWAM Workers Bible Translators? 

In one word – yes!  YWAM workers are Bible translators.  YWAM workers are also facilitators for translation projects, and we are training facilitators in our Oral Bible Translation (OBT) schools.  What does this mean? Perhaps it’s easier to share some of the history of YWAM’s involvement with Bible translation over the years to help explain not only where we are now, but how […]

Engage! (New) Ways to End Bible Poverty in Ourselves and Others

If we want to end Bible poverty, we will have to begin with ourselves. But how? Here is good news. The Word of God is like laundry detergent. If you give it time, it will work. This is the main thing: give it time. Trust the process. Whatever else we do, let’s make sure there is room […]

How do we integrate the YWAM Values into our ministry?

Examine, intentionality and discernment are key ways to integrate values into ministry and life. How often do we honestly take time to examine our ministry in light of the values God has called us to as Youth With A Mission? If someone were to observe your team or ministry location, could they identify any or […]

What does mid life look like for you and what have you learned?

At mid-life we are evaluating our identity and ask the question, ‘Who am I?’ again. Is it time to transition my role, refocus on my passions, renew my values, have a clearer picture of how I want to finish and have a general reboot of life. We have asked a few YWAM leaders to share […]