Keys to being a Strategic and Spiritual Leader

All three of these words are important. They are embedded in the very essence of scripture. God from the very beginning had a broad strategic plan for the redemption of mankind into this plan. God intervened and made possible his purposes which by the nature of God was spiritual and we see leadership and strategy. […]

Key principles in mobilizing to DTS and beyond

It’s September 21, 2005, when I make the journey from Belgium to the Netherlands to start something that many had doubts about. I quit my job as a professional pastry chef and chocolatier and left friends and family behind. But why? What had convinced me to sign up for a Discipleship Training School (DTS) at […]

How Can Lausanne 2024 Facilitate Youth with a Mission (YWAM) Europe?

Rather than asking how Lausanne 2024 can impact YWAM Europe, I believe it’s more relevant to consider how it can facilitate our mission. This process is already underway. It was a tremendous joy to witness over 5,000 individuals gathering in South Korea. During one afternoon, YWAM workers came together for lunch, and to my surprise, […]

Mental Health on the Mission Field

by Elizabeth Joy Redekop Leaders on the mission field have been given one of the highest honors. We are entrusted to make decisions for, care for, and shepherd God’s children, all to make God’s name known to all people! It’s a role of great influence. How are you influencing your team? How can you care […]

Caring For Your Staff Well

By Joanne Kilbry Being a Discipleship Training School staff newbie was so intimidating! I felt inexperienced, inadequate & insecure, so afraid I would not be enough. In fact, I was so used to feeling invisible and unremarkable, that when the school leader asked to talk to me, two weeks into the school, I was sure […]

Spiritual Eldership

At 21, in Youth With A Mission (YWAM) England, I was impressed by the wisdom of national leaders in their thirties. I listened eagerly as they spoke or discussed issues at staff gatherings. One or two even talked with me and advised a ministry strategy for my return to university after working in the refugee […]

Let’s change our terminology – from fundraising to MPD

Maybe you’re not familiar with this term MPD – it means Ministry Partner Development. Many mission organizations use it to describe the process of personal fundraising. I’ve found that it is not so well-known or used in Youth With A Mission (YWAM), but I would love to see it become part of our vocabulary. Why […]

Missionary Poverty, Debt and Budgeting

POVERTY I confess that I have been in debt before and found it to be disturbing, distressing, and demoralizing. I was an urban missionary in New York City with a family of six. We did our best to survive in one of the most expensive places to live in the United States. Although my ministry […]