Mental Health on the Mission Field

by Elizabeth Joy Redekop Leaders on the mission field have been given one of the highest honors. We are entrusted to make decisions for, care for, and shepherd God’s children, all to make God’s name known to all people! It’s a role of great influence. How are you influencing your team? How can you care […]

Caring For Your Staff Well

By Joanne Kilbry Being a Discipleship Training School staff newbie was so intimidating! I felt inexperienced, inadequate & insecure, so afraid I would not be enough. In fact, I was so used to feeling invisible and unremarkable, that when the school leader asked to talk to me, two weeks into the school, I was sure […]

Spiritual Eldership

At 21, in Youth With A Mission (YWAM) England, I was impressed by the wisdom of national leaders in their thirties. I listened eagerly as they spoke or discussed issues at staff gatherings. One or two even talked with me and advised a ministry strategy for my return to university after working in the refugee […]

Let’s change our terminology – from fundraising to MPD

Maybe you’re not familiar with this term MPD – it means Ministry Partner Development. Many mission organizations use it to describe the process of personal fundraising. I’ve found that it is not so well-known or used in Youth With A Mission (YWAM), but I would love to see it become part of our vocabulary. Why […]

Missionary Poverty, Debt and Budgeting

POVERTY I confess that I have been in debt before and found it to be disturbing, distressing, and demoralizing. I was an urban missionary in New York City with a family of six. We did our best to survive in one of the most expensive places to live in the United States. Although my ministry […]

Situational Leadership 

Leadership Styles is our ELLC theme for this month, and I couldn’t help thinking what an interesting term it is. Is a leadership “style” just a matter of personal choice and preference, rather like our clothing style may depend on our choice to follow current fashion trends or not? Or is our leadership “style” influenced […]

Key Elements that Make Team Work

Teamwork makes the dream work!!   This was the slogan on a t-shirt I owned and I made a joke about trying to sneak the expression into a staff meeting as many times as possible while wearing the shirt. By the third time, people were catching on so much that it started showing up in announcements […]

The Gifts and Skills Required to Lead Team

I won’t bore you with the arguments of why we should lead in team, from the trinity to Adam and Eve, Moses and the Israelites, David and his mighty men, Jesus and the apostles and Paul’s missionary teams…….you should be getting the point by now! You might agree it’s a good idea, you might even […]

Grievance Procedure Paper

Process for Dealing with *Grievances Against Leaders (and other figures of authority within YWAM) *Grievance  –  an  official  statement  of  complaint  over  something  believed  to  be  wrong,  unjust or  unfair. Begin  with  the  concise  overview,  and  for  a  more  detailed  explanation,  click  on  each  link provided  or  go  directly  to  the  full  version  from  page  4. This  document  is  mainly  dealing  with  situations  and  conflicts  where  there  is  no  evidence  of criminal  offence  or  activity.  Where  there  is  suspicion  of  serious  criminal  offence,  we  are obligated  to  contact  the  police. OVERVIEW STEPS   TO   TAKE   IN   DEALING   WITH   GRIEVANCES   AGAINST   LEADERS CONTEXT STEP 1 When  someone  has  a  grievance  against  another  person,  they  should  go  and  share  their concern  as  Matthew  18  encourages.  If  your  concerns  are  not  heard,  Matthew  18  advises taking  a  friend  with  you  as  a  follow-up  to  help  in  the  dialogue.  This  may  be  difficult  because of  differences  in  position  and  influence,  but  it  should  be  attempted  to  keep  the  issue  and situation  as  low  key  and  relational  as  possible.  We  expect  that  most  cases  will  be  resolved here  in  step  1  and  kept  in  the  local  situation. STEP 2 If  a  resolution  hasn’t  been  successful  in  step  1,  a  simple  mediation  process  is  encouraged  with an  impartial  mediator  bringing  together  the  two  parties.  The  mediator  or  mediators  should  be people  who  are  agreed  upon  by  both  sides,  and  could  be  elders,  not  necessarily  in  line leadership,  who  have  some  understanding  of  mediation.  This  will  enable  both  parties  to  share 1 Version 21.02.24 European Field Circle Team working group. Revised as needed. their  perspectives  and  seek  to  bring  understanding  and  reconciliation.  Guidelines  for  ongoing relationship,  as  well  as  learning  and  leadership  development  may  be  needed  going  forward. INVESTIGATION   PROCESS STEP 3 In  complex  situations,  a  point  person  should  be  brought  into  the  dialogue  to  ensure  the process  moves  forward  in  a  timely  manner.  The  point  person  is  someone  who  has  been appointed  by  the  base,  nation,  Area  or  Field  to  handle  serious  conflict  or  grievance  issues. They  should  have  a  working  knowledge  of  relevant  national  laws,  as  well  as  the  formal  steps to  take. The  point  person  should  draw  together  a  process  team  to  decide  on  the  next  steps  and  to determine  if  there  have  been  other  similar  complaints  from  more  staff  or  leaders. STEP 4 The  process  team  identifies  and  determines  the  severity  of  the  complaints. STEP 5 If  evidence  emerges  of  serious  suspected  abuse  in  the  full  investigation  process,  formal  steps must  be  taken  and  appropriate  experts  and  authorities  involved.  An  independent  non-YWAM agency  may  also  be  consulted. We  are  subject  to  the  laws  of  each  individual  country,  and  the  process  team  should  respond appropriately  to  all  criminal  activity. DECISION   PROCESS STEP 6 The  process  team  with  reports  now  available,  have  three  possible  courses  of  action: 1.   The  ideal  would  be  both  sides  meeting  again  with  two  people  from  the  process  team and  the  mediator(s).  The  purpose  of  this  is  to  bring  clarity  of  the  facts,  highlight misunderstandings,  identify  wrong-  ‘attitudes,  behaviour  and  communication’, encourage  apologies,  repentance  where  there  is  wrongdoing  and  reconciliation  of relationships. 2.  In  cases  of  serious  evidence  of  abuse  (physical,  verbal,  sexual,  coercive,  spiritual),  a complainant  should  not  be  forced  to  meet  with  an  alleged  abuser.  Although  Matthew […]