Do’s and Don’ts on Social Media

Have you ever been on a mission trip? As Christians, we are called to make God known in all corners of the world. No country is too far, no climate too cold or too hot. We go because we want the world to know Jesus. If you ever went on a mission trip, you most likely made a […]
Keys to Dynamic Written Communication

As I sit down to write this piece, I am aware of the wealth of material available in print and online about this very subject. If you want to learn how to communicate well in writing, there is no shortage of excellent resources to help you learn. (Two worthwhile places to start would be to […]
Garden City: Work, Rest, and the Art of Being Human.

Garden City: Work, Rest and the Art of Being Human In Garden City, popular pastor and speaker John Mark Comer gives a fresh take on our calling and our purpose, with a surprisingly counter-culture take. Through his creative and conversational style, Comer takes a good look at Genesis and the story of a man, a woman, and […]
Theology of Work

The first few years after I left YWAM full-time, I felt the work that I was not doing in the church or YWAM was a waste of my time and of no value, because I was not working for the Lord. This was my thinking. Luckily through Holy Spirit, Bible, books, seminars, and long talks with many […]
‘Thinking’ About Vocation

The word vocation comes from the Latin word “vocaré”, which means to call or name. It is a term that has been extensively discussed amongst scholars and theologians and throughout the centuries has been associated primarily with those who occupied positions within the clergy or church domain. That meant other forms of work, such as […]
Builders, Boomers, X, Y, Z: Understanding each of the five generations currently in YWAM

When you first arrived at your Youth With A Mission (YWAM) location, who was the first person to meet you? Was it one of your Discipleship Training School (DTS) staff, or a transport manager, your team leader or base leader? Good chances it was someone in their twenties – and whatever their age, ready to […]
YWAM’s Secret Sauce?

The young and the old together YWAM. In essence, it is a space where the young and old can fulfill godly purposes. Together. My YWAM journey began when a 20-year old Minnesota-born boy found himself at a YWAM event. It took place in Munich at the 1972 Olympic Games Outreach. I remember it as a […]
Time for a team check-up?

Every year while I was living in Europe I had to take my car to the garage to receive an inspection or check-up that allowed me to drive for another year. If the car doesn’t pass, then I am not…
What makes team meetings alive and fruitful rather then dead and boring?

Whether we prefer occasional or more frequent, shorter or longer team meetings, each team member needs a place and time to connect with the entire team, to share their concerns or ideas, to ask questions, to get information, to feel that they are part of something bigger as well as having a contribution to the […]
Keys of Recruiting and Developing Staff

The perfect match… – how to attract, introduce and develop new staff If you want to attract and keep (good) workers, make sure you take good care of the ones you have right now. The key is to make sure that people coming through our organization come out better on the other side. I believe […]