How Should a Christian Date?: It’s Not as Complicated as You Think

Eric Demeter: Moody Publishers 2021 Pitch the Christian dating rulebook out the window. There’s a better way! No matter what you might have heard, God didn’t mandate a divine way to date. What He did do, in the Bible, is lay out principles for wise and healthy relational living among believers. His boundaries for us […]

Sex, True Purity, and Almost Jumping Out of a Moving Car

—by Eric Demeter. Adapted from the book, How Should a Christian Date? It’s Not as Complicated as You Think (Moody Publishers, September 2021). I was eighteen and stuck in my mom’s car when out of the blue, she hit me with, “Eric, I have something to share with you. When you date, remember two things: keep it […]

Restoration after Moral Failure

Procedure for responding to situations of Moral Failure Introduction God is a God of redemption and restoration. This is His heart and history reveals to us it is also the action He takes. As His followers, we must always have both redemption and restoration at the heart of our actions towards those who have failed. […]

A married man’s perspective on cultivating sexual integrity within marriage

“What do you think the average is for Dutch couples?” I asked Hans after the small talk questions ran out. The late afternoon dusk on the farm was sufficient enough to hide the color of my face. Besides, the fire gave proper warmth to cause my face to glow anyway. “I don’t know, per week?” […]

If Servanthood is the Antidote, What is the Problem?

When it comes to leadership, Jesus made it clear that Christian leaders are not meant to lord it over the people they lead, but rather to be servant leaders.  “Jesus called them together and said, ‘You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials […]

Financial Transparency—Your Protection

A YWAM leader from a thriving base and ministry visited us in Harpenden many years ago.  After initial greetings, the next thing he said was “Lynn, how much money do you need to do everything you have planned for this property?”  I explained that we had substantial long-term plans and it would run into many […]

Maturing Regarding Money

A Romanian saying goes like this: ” Money do not bring happiness, but they sure help getting it”. In other words, people think that money influence their happiness and their wellbeing. It’s not my purpose here to prove that every culture has embraced this concept. You can see it yourself in your own culture.   For […]

Misappropriated Standing

As an American in his mid-20’s, I grew up in the midst of what we can now see as the swelling of great social polarization in my country. I remember as clear as day the moment Barack Obama was elected president. My father turned to me and said “The future of this country is ruined; you […]

How to walk hand in hand when you don’t see eye to eye

Last year I wrote in my blog about Faith and politics at the dinner table. When recently asked by the ELLC conveners to write for this month’s Media Wise topic, I scrolled through my posts and realised that in February 2020 I had already written some of the things I would still say today. […]