What Does It Take to Be an Entrepreneur?

To see or not to see, that is the question! Hamlet’s soliloquy really addresses a deeper and more existential perspective; to be or not to be. Living or dying. But for an entrepreneur the question about seeing is almost equally important. If you cannot see, chances are that your efforts are fruitless and dying. And […]
Models of Debriefing for Individuals and Couples

It has been more than 10 years since my husband and I went through our most difficult season in missions so far. We found ourselves part of a conflict that we thought had been resolved and became the target of painful accusations. Months went by without resolution or even progress. During this time, the two […]
Leadership In Times Of Transition, Crisis And Change

We live in an unpredictable and rapidly changing world. Some transitions are planned while other changes are forced upon us and, as leaders, we need to know how to provide people with context and clarity in both situations. Change doesn’t need to lead to crisis, but crisis nearly always leads to change. In the Bible, […]
Coping Mechanisms Through Major Crisis And Change

We have all had to learn to cope over the past months of this pandemic. There are many other situations or seasons where we need to cope too. Some are short, some are longer. They can often become seasons of deep learning and change, when we see the opportunity they offer and lean into God’s […]
What to do when you are not as fruitful as you hoped?

I love our Youth With A Mission (YWAM) tribe. I love that we are constantly looking for new ways to do new things. We send out waves of young people optimistically looking for our powerful and wonderful God to do powerful and wonderful things. We want to reach the least, the last and the lost. […]
Keys to Pioneering and Fruit Bearing

The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines, in part, a pioneer as “a person or group that originates or helps open up a new line of thought or activity or a new method or technical development.” For us, as Youth With A Mission (YWAM), pioneering can mean birthing something completely new or redefining something that is or […]
How long, Lord?

Almost six months after the start of lockdown in Europe, we still have no clear answer to the psalmist’s question, ‘How long, Lord?’ (Ps. 13). A matter of weeks, we first thought; then conceded that it could take months before ‘normality’ would return. Now we hear it could be years before we return to our […]
The Generous Apple – You decide the ending……

It was a hot day. So hot that Jon and his sister Naomi found themselves walking through the busy market-place dreaming of ice-cold fruit platters on silver trays. As they wondered where they could find such royal food, they stumbled upon the fruit seller’s stand and to their delight, right in front of them was…
Why the Spiritual Life requires us to Wake Up

This Series explores why awareness is crucial to our Christian growth, and ways to cultivate spiritual alertness.
1. Why the Spiritual Life requires us to Wake Up
2. Factors that Mitigate against Awareness
3. Engaging our 5 Senses to Develop Awareness
4. Getting in Touch with our Feelings
“The spiritual life starts with awareness”
Dr. David Benner