The Life You’ve Always Wanted

John Ortberg is a pastor near San Francisco, California. He is the bestselling author of many books, including “If you want to walk on Water, You’ve got to get out of the boat”.
Ordering Your Private World

Gordon MacDonald (Chicago, Illinois: Moody Press 1984) Gordon MacDonald has been a pastor for over 40 years, and served as President for InterVarsity USA. Through this book he explains the inner life in practical ways and explains the necessity for this: “Because I am convinced that the inner world of the spiritual must govern the […]
Developing the Leader Within You

John Maxwell has been a pastor for any years, and he is the founder of INJOY, Maximum Impact, The John Maxwell Team, ISS and EQUIP.
Leadership Coaching: The disciplines, skills & heart of a Christian coach

As a pioneer in the Christian coaching field, Tony Stoltzfus has trained hundreds of coaches and helped found an international coaching school, developing training materials used around the world.
Understanding Leadership

Tom Marshall from New Zealand used to teach in YWAM schools, LTSs and conferences in the 1970 and 80ties. He had a strong prophetic teaching gift and became a blessing to many.
What to do when you are not as fruitful as you hoped?

I love our Youth With A Mission (YWAM) tribe. I love that we are constantly looking for new ways to do new things. We send out waves of young people optimistically looking for our powerful and wonderful God to do powerful and wonderful things. We want to reach the least, the last and the lost. […]
Keys to Pioneering and Fruit Bearing

The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines, in part, a pioneer as “a person or group that originates or helps open up a new line of thought or activity or a new method or technical development.” For us, as Youth With A Mission (YWAM), pioneering can mean birthing something completely new or redefining something that is or […]
How long, Lord?

Almost six months after the start of lockdown in Europe, we still have no clear answer to the psalmist’s question, ‘How long, Lord?’ (Ps. 13). A matter of weeks, we first thought; then conceded that it could take months before ‘normality’ would return. Now we hear it could be years before we return to our […]
Making Jesus Lord

Laying down rights is a concept foreign to our culture, indeed a concept foreign to the very nature of humankind. We live in a world where the protection and exaltation of individual rights has become an obsession.
Is That Really You, God?

Loren Cunningham’s dream began with a vision–waves of young people moving out across the continents announcing the Good News of Jesus Christ.