Is That Really You, God?

Loren Cunningham’s dream began with a vision–waves of young people moving out across the continents announcing the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Right Relationships

Tom Marshall from New Zealand used to teach in YWAM schools, LTSs and conferences in the 1970’s and 80’s.
He had a strong prophetic teaching gift and became a blessing to many. This book, one of his last, reveals the power of relationships expressed by four dynamics: trust, love, respect & honour as well as understanding.
Reinventing Organisations

Loren Cunningham had a “download from the Lord” in 2010—Circles, Circuits and Cycles.
The circles referred to leading from and with teams. I couldn’t see how that would work locally, though we implemented it above local level. Now I think he was seeing something that was at least a decade away—as he sometimes does.
The Leadership Secrets of Billy Graham

If you want direct access to the spiritual inheritance of Billy Graham and the modern evangelical movement, The Leadership Secrets of Billy Graham provides key insight, how to build a leadership team and a public ministry in godly manners.