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Use this table to search across our entire Media Archive.

ThemeMonthLDxArticlesLounge, Drop In and Round Table
Managing your Time and Not Letting it Manage YouMar-25Miranda Heathcote
Beloved, Boundaries & Balance: 3 Antidotes to Time Pressure Anxiety

Barbara Connor
Good principles for leaders to cope with the fast pace of life
Stephe Mayers
Keys to a Manageable Rhythm as a Leader

Belinda Chaplin
Helping People in Your Team to Managing Time Effectively According to Their DISC Personality Type
Servant LeadershipFeb-25Frank Bauer
Servant Leadership – What does it mean to serve your team or base as a leader?

Andrea Barnette
A Testimony of Working with Servant Leaders
Stephe Mayers
Is going the extra mile needed in leadership?
How strategic are we in YWAM Europe?Jan-25Lynn Green
YWAM Collaborates!

Florin Mihaly
A story of plateauing to strategic growth
Stephe Mayers
What are the steps to create a strategic plan? What does a strategic plan look like?

Laurence Singlehurst
Keys to being a Strategic and Spiritual Leader
The Recruiting Challenge in YWAMDec-24Lone Dax and Kiyana Dowse
Testimony from a thriving DTS

Andreas Nordli
Events – Communities – Movement
Jonathan Vergauwen
Key principles in mobilizing to DTS and beyond
How can Lausanne 2024 impact YWAM Europe?Nov-24Tim Engelmann
4th Lausanne Global Congress Reflections for YWAM Europe

Ema Bogdan
What can we learn from Lausanne 2024 in Seoul?
Jeff Fountain
How can we in Europe best benefit from the recent Lausanne 4 Congress held in Seoul September 22-28, even if most of us were not able to be present?

Angelika Boitmane-Sumakovska
Youth with a Mission (YWAM) Europe?
Creating a safe place for our staffOct-24Carrie Webb
What is Member Care

Dick Elisa Aalberts
Selfless Self-Care
Elizabeth Redekop
Mental Health on the Mission Field

Joanne Kilbry
Caring For Your Staff Well
Legacy Word – EldershipSep-24Lynn Green
How are we doing internationally with the concept of eldership?
Stephe Mayers
Reflections from a YWAM Elder on leadership/eldership in Europe

John Peachey
Spiritual Eldership
Relational FundraisingJune-24Lynn Green
Raising Funds For A Ministry Project

Juan and Mombo Gallaway
The Biblical Basis for Fund Raising
Terry Sherman
Let’s Change our Terminology – from Fundraising to MPD

Juan Gallaway
Missionary Poverty, Debt and Budgeting
Round Table – Relational Fundraising
Terry Sherman and Mombo and Juan Galloway
Leadership StylesMay-24Tom Bloomer
Transactional & Transformational Leadership

Belinda Chaplin
Leadership Styles of Jesus – How to lead more like Jesus
Barbara Connor
Situational Leadership

Steve Ashworth
Comparing the 4 Styles of Autocratic, Democratic, Laissez-Faire and Coaching (Graph of Task/Relationship)
The Tomorrow TeamApr-24 Andy Kennedy
What Makes a Real Top Performing Team?

Gary McKinney
Community in a Visionary Ministry
Laura Mudd
Key Elements to Make Teams Work

Carl Tinnion
The Gifts and Skills Required to Build Team
What do I do if I Have a Problem with my Leader?Mar-24 Tom Bloomer
Joy, Repentance and Reconciliation, Matthew 18

Sue Pratt, Johan Alexandersson and Laura Mudd
Mediation Role-Play
Sue Pratt
Principles of Conflict Mediation

Tove Poulsen
Grievance Procedure Paper
Loving the StrangerFeb-24 Ashraf Farahat
Who are the unreached around me and how do I start reaching them?

Lisa Whitaker
Pioneering with a DTS outreach
Sokol Hoxha
Reaching your neighbors and strangers on your doorstep in Europe

Tove Poulsen
Loving the Stranger – A Stranger Love
Goal Setting for the New YearJan-24 Rite Mayers
Seeking Growth in Relational Roles

Belinda Chaplin
Identifying your Roles and Current Goals
Stephe Mayers
Do you Set Goals for Personal Growth?

Barbara Connor
How to Make a Success of 2024
IntegrityDec-23Dick Brouwer
Leadership Integrity
Stephe Mayers
Is integrity really that important in a leader?

John Peachey
Three Steps to Becoming Leaders of Integrity
Leadership Lessons from LorenNov-23Lynn Green
Key Leadership Lessons from Loren
Roy Jones
Lessons from working up close with Loren

Al Akimoff
How important is humor to being a good leader – lessons from Loren

Dawn Gauslin
Lessons we can learn about finishing well from Loren
Round Table – Lessons from Loren
Featuring stories from: Stephen Mayers, Tove Poulsen, Terje Konradsen, Elaine Leakey, Belinda Chaplin, Frank Bauer, Jan Torland, Gary McKinney and Jose Liste
Vision Development and Strategic LeadershipOct-23Andreas Nordli
#1 What is leadership

Andreas Nordli
#2 Management vs leadership

Andreas Nordli
#3 What is vision

Andreas Nordli
#4 Building a visionary culture

Andreas Nordli
#5 Gifts, personalities and competences needed in leadership
Stephe Mayers
What tools are available to help leaders function strategically?
Legacy words – Ending Bible PovertySep-23Loren Cunningham
Ending Bible Poverty – Oral Mother Tongue

Terje Konradsen
Bible Distribution strategies that work
Wilrems Hornstra
How can we engage with the Bible in new ways and help others do the same?

Jessy Pfarrkircher
Are YWAM Workers Bible Translators?
Round Table – Ending Bible Poverty
Jessy Pfarrkircher and Christopher Hipona
YWAM ValuesJune-23Lynn Green
Why Values matter? What do we do when people aren’t following the values?

Laura Mudd
How can we communicate our YWAM Values in creative ways to DTS and Staff?
Stephe Mayers
Evaluation through the values

Lisa Whitaker
How do we integrate the YWAM Values into our ministry?
Round Table – YWAM Values
Mombo and Juan Galloway
Lifelong LearningMay-23Dr. Camille Bishop
Ongoing training for your staff- why?

Andrey Derkach
Taking responsibility for your own personal growth
Liam Byrnes
Understanding your Unfolding Gifts and Calling as a Leader

Brian Sloane, Sharon Neely, Rhonda Ashworth and Carl Tinnion
What does midlife look like for you and what have you learned?
Leadership Lounge – John Peachey
Lifelong Learning

Round Table – Lifelong Learning
Juan from YWAM Thessaloniki and Alyssa Luzaich from YWAM Rostrevor
Growing in Spiritual LeadershipApr-23Laura Mudd and Johan Alexandersson
How to facilitate the discerning of God’s direction in a group?

Miranda Heathcote
Spiritual Leadership
Stephe Mayers
Spiritual leadership in enjoying God’s presence
Round Table – Growing in Spiritual Leadership
Sandra Mai, Jim Whitear and Eric Supen
Passing the BatonMar-23Carolyn Ross
Linking the Generations

Judy Orred
Passing The Baton….Who? How? When?
Stephe Mayers
What are the pros and cons of term limits in YWAM leadership?

Rune Saether
When is a good time to pass on your leadership?
Leadership Lounge – Dr. Camille Bishop
Passing the Baton

Round Table – Passing the Baton
Helen Hess, Reinier Blijleven and Mark Vening
Maintaining Unity by Working Through ConflictsFeb-23Jonny Clark
Different approaches to resolve conflict in teams

Alice Byberg
What causes conflict?
Sue Pratt
Ministry conflict and how to work through it

Frederick Kammies
Mediation Includes Many Facets
Leadership Lounge – Keith Warrington
Walking Together with the Greater Body of Christ

Round Table – Maintaining Unity by Walking Through Conflicts
Rosana Liste, Scott Sotomayor and Sue Pratt
Championing the ApostolicJan-23Al Akimoff
Who and what is an apostle and can I be one too?

Jim Orred
Restoring YWAM to the Cutting Edge and the Apostolic
Guy Zeller
Growing Apostolic Leaders

Carl Tinnion
The fine line between waiting on the word of the Lord and the practice of apostolic vision and strategy.
Round Table – Championing the Apostolic
Tobi Otto in France, Benjamin Peters,Alma Sako
The Art of Reflection & Self AwarenessDec-22 Laura Mudd
How we can learn from our mistakes

Matt Rawlins
Growing in self awareness, owning up to failure and being able to move on
Stephe Mayers
Constructive evaluation – tools for individuals and teams

Miranda Heathcote
Reflection & Self Awereness

Leadership Lounge – Johan Alexandersson
The Self-Aware Leader

Round Table – The Art of Reflection & Self Awareness
Maarit Eronen, Sven Stuhrmann and Tim Bailey
Creation CareNov-22Phil Summerton
Hope to a generation

Christy Summerton
There is no away/love your neighbor
Phil Summerton
Creation care, what can I do!

Ben Richards
What does God think of His creation?
Leadership Lounge – Dr Ben Richards and Christy Summerton
Exploring Ways to Look After His creation

Round Table – Creation Care and Mission, are they Connected?
Phil Summerton, Jan P, Mariëtte, Franzi and Richard
Women in LeadershipOct-22Romkje Fountain
Women in leadership in YWAM – How Are We Doing?

Ema Bogdan
What challenges do women face in leadership and leadership teams in YWAM?
Stephe Mayers
Do women have an advantage in leadership?

Rebekka Bodemer
We don’t have a problem with women in leadership! …do we?
Leadership Lounge – Janet Weiner
Women in Leadership

Round Table – Women in Leadership
Barbara, Laura and Mette
The YWAM Structure of CirclesSep-22Lynn Green
How does or should accountability of leadership work in YWAM?

Dick Brouwer
The importance of collaboration, cooperation and communication in pioneering and bases working together.
Stephe Mayers
YWAM ACTs (area circle teams) – a new structure for new generations?

Belinda Chaplin
What is an Eldership Team? How does its authority and responsibility function?
Leadership Lounge – Stephe Mayer and Dick Brouwer
The YWAM Structure of Circles

Round Table – The YWAM Structure of Circles
Stephe Mayers, Tove Poulsen and Jose Liste
Dynamic CommunicationJune-22Maarit Eronen
How To Communicate Effectively With Limited Resources

Jonathon Lee Laser and Nathan van de Graaf
Understanding Social Media
Maritta Winkler
Do’s & Don’ts on Social Media

Miranda Heathcote
Keys to Dynamic Written Communication – Articles, Adverts, and Newsletters
Leadership Lounge – Noémie Pons and Joseph Avakian
Dynamic Communication

Round Table – Dynamic Communication
Francis Obaika and Belinda Chaplin
Vocation and the Theology of WorkMay-22Noémie Pons
The Essence of Work

Tim Engelmann
Vocation and the Theology of Work
Mark Stewart
Theology of Work

Waleska Laranjeira
Thinking About Vocation
Leadership Lounge – Hermund Haaland
Life & Work and Building Entrepreneurial Capacity

Round Table – Faith, Work and Vocation
Lukas Preis – Daniela Schirm & Jonathan de Jong
Serving Multi GenerationallyApr-22Angelique van Balen
What needs to change inour current approach to connect with Gen Z

Lisa Whitaker
Mind the Gaps! What Mistakes Can We Avoid?
Steve Ashworth
Builders, Boomers, X, Y, Z: Understanding each of the five generations currently in YWAM

Jim Orred
YWAM’s Secret Sauce?
Leadership Lounge- Lance McKinney
Serving Multi-Generationally

Round Table – Serving Multi Generationally
Andrej and Nikolaj from YWAM Rostov, Russia and Ingela and Mikael from King’s Kids Sweden

Developing Existing TeamsMar-22Dave Cole
What are the key qualities for effective team leaders?

Andy Kennedy
What makes a real top performing team?
Stephe Mayers
Time for a team check-up?

Mihail Bogdan
What makes team meetings alive and fruitful rather then dead and boring?
Drop In – Al Akimoff
Prayer for Ukraine

Leadership Lounge- Adam and Leah Thompson
Developing Effective Teams

Monthly Round Up – Developing Effective Teams
Steve Ashworth and Jon Judge

Mobilisation and Vision CastingFeb-22Luzanne Esmeraldo
How do you bring ownership to a team to carry out the vision they are part of?

Josiah Teft
Discovering Vision and learning to share it with others
Anders Carlsson
Keys of Recruiting and Developing Staff

Carl Tinnion
Painting a picture of the future – capturing your audience’s attention
Leadership Lounge – Randi Alnes
Mobilization and Vision Casting

Drop In – Francis Obaika host Stuart Matheson, Anya Schlegel and Jessica Pfarrkircher
Mobilization, Vision Casting, Vision and Recruiting

Round Up – Mobilization and Vision Casting
Debbie hosts Fluer Myhill and Sophie Robinson
Goal Setting for 2022Jan-22Miranda Heathcote
Embracing postive change in 2022

Paul Marsh
Personality and Goal Setting
Barbara Conner
Being Strategic with God in 2022

Rune and Irene Saether
New Year’s Resolutions
Leadership Lounge – Anders Carlsson
Goal Setting

Drop In – Miranda Heathcote hosts Ana Roncal and Kyle Henderson Begg
Goal Setting

Round Up – Goal Setting for 2022
Francis Obaika hosts Myrna Gablian and Mihail Bogdan
Work, Life and BalanceDec-21Carrie Webb & Catherine Cowen
Stress: A blessing or a curse?

Henri Hermunen
Finding Your Balance: how to know when you are out of balance and what to do about it
Stephe Mayers
Margins: Are yours sufficient?

Guy Zeller
Family Life and Ministry – Finding a Rhythm that Fits
Leadership Lounge – Jim Steir
Life and Balance

Drop In – Clare Mulrooney hosts Karle Weiderick and Frederick Kammes
Work Life Balance

Round Up – Life and Balance
Debbie hosts Shelby Hofer
Crucial Conversations and Emotional IntelligenceNov-21John Peachey
Crucial Conversation

Holger Schein
EQ Crucial Conversation Talk
Ash Thorpe
Reading Your Team: understanding the personality and perspective of your team members

Stephe Mayers
What needs a ‘necessary ending’ in your life?
Leadership Lounge – Lone Jax
Tove and Johann interviewed our guest Lone Jax on Emotional Intelligence

Drop In – Clare Mulrooney hosts Anne Sloan, Keziah Heathcote and Bjarte Tonheim
Emotional Intelligence

Round Up – Emotional Intelligence
Debbie hosts Chaffone David from YWAM Belfast, Carla Vegt-Mensinga, from Excelling Leaders Netherlands and Wolfgang Jani, a leadership coach

Carl Tinnion
Contextualised Hospitality
Stephe Mayers
Are you making the most of your meals?

Rite Mayers
Entertaining Angels
Leadership Lounge – Alfonso and Debee Cherene


Drop In – Miranda Heathcote chats with Rita Pretorius, Ivy Steel, Dick Brouwer

Round Up – Hospitality
Debbie hosts Jean-Philip Godin from YWAM Geneva and Samantha Fuenzalida from the YWAM Burtigny
Pitfalls: SexSep-21Kari Clewett
What is Healthy Sexuality?

Johan Andersson
Can we live a pure lifestyle in a sexually saturated world?
Anke Tissingh
Restoration After Moral Failure

Christian Baas
A married man’s perspective on cultivating sexual integrity within marriage

Eric Demeter
Sex, True Purity, and Almost Jumping Out of a Moving Car
Leadership Lounge – Landa Cope
Tove and Johan interviewing Landa Cope on Pitfalls: Sex

Drop In – Miranda Heathcote talks with Kari Clewitt, Damares Carvalho and others
Pitfalls: Sex

Round Up – Pitfalls: Sex
Belinda Chaplin hears from Debbie Lannap from the YWAM Burtigny and Ton Vegt from Excelling Leaders
Summer Series: RechargeAug-21Summer Series – ReCharge August

Stephe Mayers

Johan Andersson
Emotional Tending

Miranda Heathcote
Pay Attention

Clare Mulrooney
Heart Posture
None this month due to the Summer SeriesNone this month due to the Summer Series
Summer Series: ReChargeJul-21Jonny Clark
ReCharge: Moving into Freedom

Tove Poulson
ReCharge and Celebrate

Belinda Chaplin
ReCharge: Perspective

Carl Tinnion
ReCharge: Create Anew
None this month due to the Summer SeriesNone this month due to the Summer Series
Pitfalls: PowerJun-21Elaine Leakey
Has a fear of control made us wimpy leaders?

Alice Byberg
Servant Hearted Leadership takes courage and humility
Stephe Mayers
How do we incorporate a developmental bias in our leadership?

Gary McKinney
If servanthood is the antidote, what is the problem?
Leadership Lounge – Edwin Fillies
Power and its Pitfalls

Drop In – Steve Johnson, Rob Hobbs and Damares Carvalho
Pitfalls: Power

Round Up – Leadership Pitfall: Power
Benjamin Simion from YWAM Romania, Francis Obaika from YWAM Germany and Elise Sandas from YWAM Greece
Pitfalls: MoneyMay-21Terry Sherman
Living by Faith or Living by Fundraising

John Peachey
Conflict of Interest
Lynn Green
Financial Transparency – Your Protection

Florin Mihaly
Maturing regarding money
Leadership Lounge – Landa Cope
Pitfalls and Money

Drop In – Alket Sako, Sharon Neely and Jo Plummer
Pitfalls: Money

Round Up – Leadership Pitfall: Money
Terry Sherman from YWAM Heidebeek, Holland, Daniel Pop from YWAM Medias, Romania and Dale Lambert from YWAM Harpenden, England
Unity & Diversity, Social Media and PolarisationApr-21Miranda Heathcote
What does Godly communication look like as a leader?

Scott Sotomayor and Val Clark
What is best practice on Social Media?
Scott Sotomayor
Misappropriated Standing

Ineta Lansdowne
How to walk hand in hand when you don’t see eye to eye
Leadership Lounge – Rebecca Koenig
Wise – Unity & Diversity, Social Media & Polarization

Drop In – Tim Solwoong Kim, Liz Waller, Violet Odnoralov
Wise – Unity & Diversity, Social Media & Polarization

Round Up – Media Wise – Unity & Diversity, Social Media & Polarisation
Valerie Clark (YWAM Harpenden), Alex Atwell (YWAM Enniskillen) and Mike Stephens (YWAM Sweden)
Building Authentic CommunityMar-21Jonny and Jen Clark
The Value of Community Life – for YWAM and the town

José Liste
Community Challenges
Rebekka Bodemer
YWAM 3.0 – A Fresh Model of YWAM Community

Rune and Irene Saether
Fostering Community in Leadership Teams
Leadership Lounge – Jeff Pratt
Building Authentic Community

Drop In – Steve Bishop and Krista Alexandersson
Building Authentic Community

Round Up – Building Authentic Community
Rita Pretorius (from YWAM Harpenden, England), Kyle Schlegel (from YWAM Kyiv, Ukraine) and Andrew Vaughan (from YWAM Uzice, Serbia
The Transforming Power of Mentoring and CoachingFeb-21Wolfgang Jani
How can coaching hlep me develop in life and ministry

Rob Westwood
What kind of mentoring do I need?
Heddy de Visser Beckmann
Investing in others through mentoring

Patty Klewett
Coaching skills transformed a ministry (mine!)
Leadership Lounge – Matt Rawlins
The Transforming Power of Mentoring and Coaching

Drop In – Dick Brouwer, Alisa Sarhatyan, John Peachey and Wolfgang Jani
The Transforming Power of Mentoring and Coaching

Round Up – The Transforming Power of Mentoring and Coaching
Cheryl Harrison from YWAM Latvia and Irene Saether from YWAM Romania
Entrepreneurship and Thinking Outside the BoxJan-21Connie Taylor
Adaptability, Ingenuity and Visionary Thinking

Andrey Derkach
YWAM and the New Wave
Carl Tinnion
Is there a lack of visionary leaders today? (And if so, why?)

Runar Byberg
What does it take to be an entrepreneur?
Leadership Lounge – Joakim Magnus
Entrepreneurship and thinking outside the box

Drop In – Florin from Romania, Andrew Ford from Ukraine and Lucy from the UK
Entrepreneurship and thinking outside the box

Round Up – Entrepreneurship and Thinking Outside the Box
Miranda Berg from YWAM Prague, Czechia, Caleb Schmidt from YWAM in Berlin, Germany and Sasha Volyanyk from YWAM Trnopil, Ukraine
Maximising Life and Ministry FruitfulnessDec-20Ali Swann
What is the process and the value of doing debriefing?

Belinda Chaplin
360 Degree evaluation of your leadership
Franziska Hornstra-Fuchs
Models of Debriefing for individuals and couples

Stephe Mayers
MaximiSing your Life Ministry Through Evaluation and Debriefing

Leadership Lounge – Andreas Nordli
Maximising Your Life and Ministry Fruitfulness

Drop In – Erin Walker, Carrie Webb and Richard Leakey
Maximising Your Life and Ministry Fruitfulness

Round Up – Maximising Your Life and Ministry Fruitfulness
Roy Jones, Kimberly Brune and Ian Matchett
Leading Through Transition, Crisis and ChangeNov-20Andy Kennedy
Art of leading in a changing world

Tove Poulson
The need of spiritual leadership through transition
Barbara Connor
Leadership in times of transition, crisis and change

Wolfgang Jani
Coping mechanisms through major crisis and change
Leadership Lounge – “Martha”
Leading through transition (note this video is only available to members of our FB page)

Drop In – “Martha”, Georgie from King’s Lodge and Ash from Hernhut
Leading through transition (note this video is only available to members of our FB page)

Round Up – Leading Through Transition
Reto Grubler from YWAM Davos, Switzerland, Barbara Connor from Kings Kids International, based in Spain and Timos Christoforidis from YWAM Thessaloniki, Greece
Pioneering and PruningOct-20Stephe and Rite Mayers
How do leaders experience pruning?

Carl Tinnion
How to apply pruning to your ministry
Belinda Chaplin
What to do when you are not as fruitful as you hoped?

Mike Oman
Keys to pioneering and fruit bearing
Leadership Lounge – Tom Bloomer
Pioneering and Pruning

Drop In – Garry Tissingh (Elder for Africa), Andrey Derkach (Convener Eastern Europe) and Clare Mulrooney (UofN training, Harpenden)
Pioneering and Pruning

Round Up – Pioneering and Pruning
Dennis Holt (YWAM Georgia), Amy Manninen (YWAM Helsinki) and Bart Harder (YWAM Constanta)

Here are all of our LDx Videos arranged in Chronological Order. Use the search box to find a speaker or subject or just binge watch the lot!

Managing your Time and Not Letting it Manage YouMar-25Miranda Heathcote
Beloved, Boundaries & Balance: 3 Antidotes to Time Pressure Anxiety

Barbara Connor
Good principles for leaders to cope with the fast pace of life
Servant LeadershipFeb-25Frank Bauer
Servant Leadership – What does it mean to serve your team or base as a leader?

Andrea Barnette
A Testimony of Working with Servant Leaders
How strategic are we in YWAM Europe?Jan-25Lynn Green
YWAM Collaborates!

Florin Mihaly
A story of plateauing to strategic growth
The Recruiting Challenge in YWAMDec-24Lone Dax and Kiyana Dowse
Testimony from a thriving DTS

Andreas Nordli
Events – Communities – Movement
How can Lausanne 2024 impact YWAM Europe?Nov-24Tim Engelmann
4th Lausanne Global Congress Reflections for YWAM Europe

Ema Bogdan
What can we learn from Lausanne 2024 in Seoul?
Creating a safe place for our staffOct-24Carrie Webb
What is Member Care

Dick Elisa Aalberts
Selfless Self-Care
Legacy Word – EldershipSep-24Lynn Green
How are we doing internationally with the concept of eldership?
Relational FundraisingJune-24Lynn Green
Raising Funds For A Ministry Project

Juan and Mombo Gallaway
The Biblical Basis for Fund Raising
Leadership StylesMay-24Tom Bloomer
Transactional & Transformational Leadership

Belinda Chaplin
Leadership Styles of Jesus – How to lead more like Jesus
The Tomorrow TeamApr-24 Andy Kennedy
What Makes a Real Top Performing Team?

Gary McKinney
Community in a Visionary Ministry
What do I do if I Have a Problem with my Leader?Mar-24 Tom Bloomer
Joy, Repentance and Reconciliation, Matthew 18

Sue Pratt, Johan Alexandersson and Laura Mudd
Mediation Role-Play
Loving the StrangerFeb-24 Ashraf Farahat
Who are the unreached around me and how do I start reaching them?

Lisa Whitaker
Pioneering with a DTS outreach
Goal Setting for the New YearJan-24 Rite Mayers
Seeking Growth in Relational Roles

Belinda Chaplin
Identifying your Roles and Current Goals
IntegrityDec-23Dick Brouwer
Leadership Integrity
Leadership Lessons from LorenNov-23Lynn Green
Key Leadership Lessons from Loren
Vision Development and Strategic LeadershipOct-23Andreas Nordli
#1 What is leadership

Andreas Nordli
#2 Management vs leadership

Andreas Nordli
#3 What is vision

Andreas Nordli
#4 Building a visionary culture

Andreas Nordli
#5 Gifts, personalities and competences needed in leadership
Legacy words – Ending Bible PovertySep-23Loren Cunningham
Ending Bible Poverty – Oral Mother Tongue

Terje Konradsen
Bible Distribution strategies that work
YWAM ValuesJune-23Lynn Green
Why Values matter? What do we do when people aren’t following the values?

Laura Mudd
How can we communicate our YWAM Values in creative ways to DTS and Staff?
Lifelong LearningMay-23Dr. Camille Bishop
Ongoing training for your staff- why?

Andrey Derkach
Taking responsibility for your own personal growth
Growing in Spiritual LeadershipApr-23Laura Mudd and Johan Alexandersson
How to facilitate the discerning of God’s direction in a group?

Miranda Heathcote
Spiritual Leadership
Passing the BatonMar-23Carolyn Ross
Linking the Generations

Judy Orred
Passing The Baton….Who? How? When?
Maintaining Unity by Working Through ConflictsFeb-23Jonny Clark
Different approaches to resolve conflict in teams

Alice Byberg
What causes conflict?
Championing the ApostolicJan-23Al Akimoff
Who and what is an apostle and can I be one too?

Jim Orred
Restoring YWAM to the Cutting Edge and the Apostolic
The Art of Reflection & Self AwarenessDec-22 Laura Mudd
How we can learn from our mistakes

Matt Rawlins
Growing in self awareness, owning up to failure and being able to move on
Creation CareNov-22Phil Summerton
Hope to a generation

Christy Summerton
There is no away/love your neighbor
Women in LeadershipOct-22Romkje Fountain
Women in leadership in YWAM – How Are We Doing?

Ema Bogdan
What challenges do women face in leadership and leadership teams in YWAM?
The YWAM Structure of CirclesSep-22Lynn Green
How does or should accountability of leadership work in YWAM?

Dick Brouwer
The importance of collaboration, cooperation and communication in pioneering and bases working together.
Dynamic CommunicationJune-22Maarit Eronen
How To Communicate Effectively With Limited Resources

Jonathon Lee Laser and Nathan van de Graaf
Understanding Social Media
Vocation and the Theology of WorkMay-22Noémie Pons
The Essence of Work

Tim Engelmann
Vocation and the Theology of Work
Serving Multi GenerationallyApr-22Angelique van Balen
What needs to change inour current approach to connect with Gen Z

Lisa Whitaker
Mind the Gaps! What Mistakes Can We Avoid?
Developing Existing TeamsMar-22Dave Cole
What are the key qualities for effective team leaders?

Andy Kennedy
What makes a real top performing team?
Mobilisation and Vision CastingFeb-22Luzanne Esmeraldo
How do you bring ownership to a team to carry out the vision they are part of?

Josiah Teft
Discovering Vision and learning to share it with others
Goal Setting for 2022Jan-22Miranda Heathcote
Embracing postive change in 2022

Paul Marsh
Personality and Goal Setting
Work, Life and BalanceDec-21Carrie Webb & Catherine Cowen
Stress: A blessing or a curse?

Henri Hermunen
Finding Your Balance: how to know when you are out of balance and what to do about it
Crucial Conversations and Emotional IntelligenceNov-21John Peachey
Crucial Conversation

Holger Schein
EQ Crucial Conversation Talk

Carl Tinnion
Contextualised Hospitality
Pitfalls: SexSep-21Kari Clewett
What is Healthy Sexuality?

Johan Andersson
Can we live a pure lifestyle in a sexually saturated world?
Summer Series: RechargeAug-21Summer Series – ReCharge August

Stephe Mayers

Johan Andersson
Emotional Tending

Miranda Heathcote
Pay Attention

Clare Mulrooney
Heart Posture
Summer Series: ReChargeJul-21Jonny Clark
ReCharge: Moving into Freedom

Tove Poulson
ReCharge and Celebrate

Belinda Chaplin
ReCharge: Perspective

Carl Tinnion
ReCharge: Create Anew
Pitfalls: PowerJun-21Elaine Leakey
Has a fear of control made us wimpy leaders?

Alice Byberg
Servant Hearted Leadership takes courage and humility
Pitfalls: MoneyMay-21Terry Sherman
Living by Faith or Living by Fundraising

John Peachey
Conflict of Interest
Unity & Diversity, Social Media and PolarisationApr-21Miranda Heathcote
What does Godly communication look like as a leader?

Scott Sotomayor and Val Clark
What is best practice on Social Media?
Building Authentic CommunityMar-21Jonny and Jen Clark
The Value of Community Life – for YWAM and the town

José Liste
Community Challenges
The Transforming Power of Mentoring and CoachingFeb-21Wolfgang Jani
How can coaching hlep me develop in life and ministry

Rob Westwood
What kind of mentoring do I need?
Entrepreneurship and Thinking Outside the BoxJan-21Connie Taylor
Adaptability, Ingenuity and Visionary Thinking

Andrey Derkach
YWAM and the New Wave
Maximising Life and Ministry FruitfulnessDec-20Ali Swann
What is the process and the value of doing debriefing?

Belinda Chaplin
360 Degree evaluation of your leadership
Leading Through Transition, Crisis and ChangeNov-20Andy Kennedy
Art of leading in a changing world

Tove Poulson
The need of spiritual leadership through transition
Pioneering and PruningOct-20Stephe and Rite Mayers
How do leaders experience pruning?

Carl Tinnion
How to apply pruning to your ministry

This is every single one of our Blogs and Articles arranged since the day they were published. Search for an author or subject – or just grab a coffee and read a few!

Managing your Time and Not Letting it Manage YouMar-25Stephe Mayers
Keys to a Manageable Rhythm as a Leader

Belinda Chaplin
Helping People in Your Team to Managing Time Effectively According to Their DISC Personality Type
Servant LeadershipFeb-25Stephe Mayers
Is going the extra mile needed in leadership?
How strategic are we in YWAM Europe?Jan-25Stephe Mayers
What are the steps to create a strategic plan? What does a strategic plan look like?

Laurence Singlehurst
Keys to being a Strategic and Spiritual Leader
The Recruiting Challenge in YWAMDec-24Jonathan Vergauwen
Key principles in mobilizing to DTS and beyond
How can Lausanne 2024 impact YWAM Europe?Nov-24Jeff Fountain
How can we in Europe best benefit from the recent Lausanne 4 Congress held in Seoul September 22-28, even if most of us were not able to be present?

Angelika Boitmane-Sumakovska
Youth with a Mission (YWAM) Europe?
Creating a safe place for our staffOct-24Elizabeth Redekop
Mental Health on the Mission Field

Joanne Kilbry
Caring For Your Staff Well
Legacy Word – EldershipSep-24Stephe Mayers
Reflections from a YWAM Elder on leadership/eldership in Europe

John Peachey
Spiritual Eldership
Relational FundraisingJune-24Terry Sherman
Let’s Change our Terminology – from Fundraising to MPD

Juan Gallaway
Missionary Poverty, Debt and Budgeting
Leadership StylesMay-24Barbara Connor
Situational Leadership

Steve Ashworth
Comparing the 4 Styles of Autocratic, Democratic, Laissez-Faire and Coaching (Graph of Task/Relationship)
The Tomorrow TeamApr-24Laura Mudd
Key Elements to Make Teams Work

Carl Tinnion
The Gifts and Skills Required to Build Team
What do I do if I Have a Problem with my Leader?Mar-24Sue Pratt
Principles of Conflict Mediation

Tove Poulsen
Grievance Procedure Paper
Loving the StrangerFeb-24Sokol Hoxha
Reaching your neighbors and strangers on your doorstep in Europe

Tove Poulsen
Loving the Stranger – A Stranger Love
Goal Setting for the New YearJan-24Stephe Mayers
Do you Set Goals for Personal Growth?

Barbara Connor
How to Make a Success of 2024
IntegrityDec-23Stephe Mayers
Is integrity really that important in a leader?

John Peachey
Three Steps to Becoming Leaders of Integrity
Leadership Lessons from LorenNov-23Roy Jones
Lessons from working up close with Loren

Al Akimoff
How important is humor to being a good leader – lessons from Loren

Dawn Gauslin
Lessons we can learn about finishing well from Loren
Vision Development and Strategic LeadershipOct-23Stephe Mayers
What tools are available to help leaders function strategically?
Legacy words – Ending Bible PovertySep-23Wilrems Hornstra
How can we engage with the Bible in new ways and help others do the same?

Jessy Pfarrkircher
Are YWAM Workers Bible Translators?
YWAM ValuesJune-23Stephe Mayers
Evaluation through the values

Lisa Whitaker
How do we integrate the YWAM Values into our ministry?
Lifelong LearningMay-23Liam Byrnes
Understanding your Unfolding Gifts and Calling as a Leader

Brian Sloane, Sharon Neely, Rhonda Ashworth and Carl Tinnion
What does midlife look like for you and what have you learned?
Growing in Spiritual LeadershipApr-23Stephe Mayers
Spiritual leadership in enjoying God’s presence
Passing the BatonMar-23Stephe Mayers
What are the pros and cons of term limits in YWAM leadership?

Rune Saether
When is a good time to pass on your leadership?
Maintaining Unity by Working Through ConflictsFeb-23Sue Pratt
Ministry conflict and how to work through it

Frederick Kammies
Mediation Includes Many Facets
Championing the ApostolicJan-23Guy Zeller
Growing Apostolic Leaders

Carl Tinnion
The fine line between waiting on the word of the Lord and the practice of apostolic vision and strategy.
The Art of Reflection & Self AwarenessDec-22Stephe Mayers
Constructive evaluation – tools for individuals and teams

Miranda Heathcote
Reflection & Self Awereness

Creation CareNov-22Phil Summerton
Creation care, what can I do!

Ben Richards
What does God think of His creation?
Women in LeadershipOct-22Stephe Mayers
Do women have an advantage in leadership?

Rebekka Bodemer
We don’t have a problem with women in leadership! …do we?
The YWAM Structure of CirclesSep-22Stephe Mayers
YWAM ACTs (area circle teams) – a new structure for new generations?

Belinda Chaplin
What is an Eldership Team? How does its authority and responsibility function?
Dynamic CommunicationJune-22Maritta Winkler
Do’s & Don’ts on Social Media

Miranda Heathcote
Keys to Dynamic Written Communication – Articles, Adverts, and Newsletters
Vocation and the Theology of WorkMay-22Mark Stewart
Theology of Work

Waleska Laranjeira
Thinking About Vocation
Serving Multi GenerationallyApr-22Steve Ashworth
Builders, Boomers, X, Y, Z: Understanding each of the five generations currently in YWAM

Jim Orred
YWAM’s Secret Sauce?
Developing Existing TeamsMar-22Stephe Mayers
Time for a team check-up?

Mihail Bogdan
What makes team meetings alive and fruitful rather then dead and boring?
Mobilisation and Vision CastingFeb-22Anders Carlsson
Keys of Recruiting and Developing Staff

Carl Tinnion
Painting a picture of the future – capturing your audience’s attention
Goal Setting for 2022Jan-22Barbara Conner
Being Strategic with God in 2022

Rune and Irene Saether
New Year’s Resolutions
Work, Life and BalanceDec-21Stephe Mayers
Margins: Are yours sufficient?

Guy Zeller
Family Life and Ministry – Finding a Rhythm that Fits
Crucial Conversations and Emotional IntelligenceNov-21Ash Thorpe
Reading Your Team: understanding the personality and perspective of your team members

Stephe Mayers
What needs a ‘necessary ending’ in your life?
HospitalityOct-21Stephe Mayers
Are you making the most of your meals?

Rite Mayers
Entertaining Angels
Pitfalls: SexSep-21Anke Tissingh
Restoration After Moral Failure

Christian Baas
A married man’s perspective on cultivating sexual integrity within marriage

Eric Demeter
Sex, True Purity, and Almost Jumping Out of a Moving Car
Summer Series: RechargeAug-21None this month due to the Summer Series
Summer Series: ReChargeJul-21None this month due to the Summer Series
Pitfalls: PowerJun-21Stephe Mayers
How do we incorporate a developmental bias in our leadership?

Gary McKinney
If servanthood is the antidote, what is the problem?
Pitfalls: MoneyMay-21Lynn Green
Financial Transparency – Your Protection

Florin Mihaly
Maturing regarding money
Unity & Diversity, Social Media and PolarisationApr-21Scott Sotomayor
Misappropriated Standing

Ineta Lansdowne
How to walk hand in hand when you don’t see eye to eye
Building Authentic CommunityMar-21Rebekka Bodemer
YWAM 3.0 – A Fresh Model of YWAM Community

Rune and Irene Saether
Fostering Community in Leadership Teams
The Transforming Power of Mentoring and CoachingFeb-21Heddy de Visser Beckmann
Investing in others through mentoring

Patty Klewett
Coaching skills transformed a ministry (mine!)
Entrepreneurship and Thinking Outside the BoxJan-21Carl Tinnion
Is there a lack of visionary leaders today? (And if so, why?)

Runar Byberg
What does it take to be an entrepreneur?
Maximising Life and Ministry FruitfulnessDec-20Franziska Hornstra-Fuchs
Models of Debriefing for individuals and couples

Stephe Mayers
MaximiSing your Life Ministry Through Evaluation and Debriefing

Leading Through Transition, Crisis and ChangeNov-20Barbara Connor
Leadership in times of transition, crisis and change

Wolfgang Jani
Coping mechanisms through major crisis and change
Pioneering and PruningOct-20Belinda Chaplin
What to do when you are not as fruitful as you hoped?

Mike Oman
Keys to pioneering and fruit bearing

Yup – they are all here…every single one of our Leadership Lounges, Drop Ins, Round Ups and Round Tables. Why not take a break and spend it in the company of a some YWAM heroes!

ThemeMonthLounge, Drop In and Round Table
Managing your Time and Not Letting it Manage YouMar-25
Servant LeadershipFeb-25
How strategic are we in YWAM Europe?Jan-25
The Recruiting Challenge in YWAMDec-24
How can Lausanne 2024 impact YWAM Europe?Nov-24
Creating a safe place for our staffOct-24
Legacy Word – EldershipSep-24
Relational FundraisingJune-24Round Table – Relational Fundraising
Terry Sherman and Mombo and Juan Galloway
Leadership StylesMay-24
The Tomorrow TeamApr-24
What do I do if I Have a Problem with my Leader?Mar-24
Loving the StrangerFeb-24
Goal Setting for the New YearJan-24
Leadership Lessons from LorenNov-23Round Table – Lessons from Loren
Featuring stories from: Stephen Mayers, Tove Poulsen, Terje Konradsen, Elaine Leakey, Belinda Chaplin, Frank Bauer, Jan Torland, Gary McKinney and Jose Liste
Vision Development and Strategic LeadershipOct-23
Legacy words – Ending Bible PovertySep-23Round Table – Ending Bible Poverty
Jessy Pfarrkircher and Christopher Hipona
YWAM ValuesJune-23Round Table – YWAM Values
Mombo and Juan Galloway
Lifelong LearningMay-23Leadership Lounge – John Peachey
Lifelong Learning

Round Table – Lifelong Learning
Juan from YWAM Thessaloniki and Alyssa Luzaich from YWAM Rostrevor
Growing in Spiritual LeadershipApr-23Round Table – Growing in Spiritual Leadership
Sandra Mai, Jim Whitear and Eric Supen
Passing the BatonMar-23Leadership Lounge – Dr. Camille Bishop
Passing the Baton

Round Table – Passing the Baton
Helen Hess, Reinier Blijleven and Mark Vening
Maintaining Unity by Working Through ConflictsFeb-23Leadership Lounge – Keith Warrington
Walking Together with the Greater Body of Christ

Round Table – Maintaining Unity by Walking Through Conflicts
Rosana Liste, Scott Sotomayor and Sue Pratt
Championing the ApostolicJan-23Round Table – Championing the Apostolic
Tobi Otto in France, Benjamin Peters,Alma Sako
The Art of Reflection & Self AwarenessDec-22Leadership Lounge – Johan Alexandersson
The Self-Aware Leader

Round Table – The Art of Reflection & Self Awareness
Maarit Eronen, Sven Stuhrmann and Tim Bailey
Creation CareNov-22Leadership Lounge – Dr Ben Richards and Christy Summerton
Exploring Ways to Look After His creation

Round Table – Creation Care and Mission, are they Connected?
Phil Summerton, Jan P, Mariëtte, Franzi and Richard
Women in LeadershipOct-22Leadership Lounge – Janet Weiner
Women in Leadership

Round Table – Women in Leadership
Barbara, Laura and Mette
The YWAM Structure of CirclesSep-22Leadership Lounge – Stephe Mayer and Dick Brouwer
The YWAM Structure of Circles

Round Table – The YWAM Structure of Circles
Stephe Mayers, Tove Poulsen and Jose Liste
Dynamic CommunicationJune-22Leadership Lounge – Noémie Pons and Joseph Avakian
Dynamic Communication

Round Table – Dynamic Communication
Francis Obaika and Belinda Chaplin
Vocation and the Theology of WorkMay-22Leadership Lounge – Hermund Haaland
Life & Work and Building Entrepreneurial Capacity

Round Table – Faith, Work and Vocation
Lukas Preis – Daniela Schirm & Jonathan de Jong
Serving Multi GenerationallyApr-22Leadership Lounge- Lance McKinney
Serving Multi-Generationally

Round Table – Serving Multi Generationally
Andrej and Nikolaj from YWAM Rostov, Russia and Ingela and Mikael from King’s Kids Sweden

Developing Existing TeamsMar-22Drop In – Al Akimoff
Prayer for Ukraine

Leadership Lounge- Adam and Leah Thompson
Developing Effective Teams

Monthly Round Up – Developing Effective Teams
Steve Ashworth and Jon Judge

Mobilisation and Vision CastingFeb-22Leadership Lounge – Randi Alnes
Mobilization and Vision Casting

Drop In – Francis Obaika host Stuart Matheson, Anya Schlegel and Jessica Pfarrkircher
Mobilization, Vision Casting, Vision and Recruiting

Round Up – Mobilization and Vision Casting
Debbie hosts Fluer Myhill and Sophie Robinson
Goal Setting for 2022Jan-22Leadership Lounge – Anders Carlsson
Goal Setting

Drop In – Miranda Heathcote hosts Ana Roncal and Kyle Henderson Begg
Goal Setting

Round Up – Goal Setting for 2022
Francis Obaika hosts Myrna Gablian and Mihail Bogdan
Work, Life and BalanceDec-21Leadership Lounge – Jim Steir
Life and Balance

Drop In – Clare Mulrooney hosts Karle Weiderick and Frederick Kammes
Work Life Balance

Round Up – Life and Balance
Debbie hosts Shelby Hofer
Crucial Conversations and Emotional IntelligenceNov-21Leadership Lounge – Lone Jax
Tove and Johann interviewed our guest Lone Jax on Emotional Intelligence

Drop In – Clare Mulrooney hosts Anne Sloan, Keziah Heathcote and Bjarte Tonheim
Emotional Intelligence

Round Up – Emotional Intelligence
Debbie hosts Chaffone David from YWAM Belfast, Carla Vegt-Mensinga, from Excelling Leaders Netherlands and Wolfgang Jani, a leadership coach
HospitalityOct-21Leadership Lounge – Alfonso and Debee Cherene


Drop In – Miranda Heathcote chats with Rita Pretorius, Ivy Steel, Dick Brouwer

Round Up – Hospitality
Debbie hosts Jean-Philip Godin from YWAM Geneva and Samantha Fuenzalida from the YWAM Burtigny
Pitfalls: SexSep-21Leadership Lounge – Landa Cope
Tove and Johan interviewing Landa Cope on Pitfalls: Sex

Drop In – Miranda Heathcote talks with Kari Clewitt, Damares Carvalho and others
Pitfalls: Sex

Round Up – Pitfalls: Sex
Belinda Chaplin hears from Debbie Lannap from the YWAM Burtigny and Ton Vegt from Excelling Leaders
Summer Series: RechargeAug-21None this month due to the Summer Series
Summer Series: ReChargeJul-21None this month due to the Summer Series
Pitfalls: PowerJun-21Leadership Lounge – Edwin Fillies
Power and its Pitfalls

Drop In – Steve Johnson, Rob Hobbs and Damares Carvalho
Pitfalls: Power

Round Up – Leadership Pitfall: Power
Benjamin Simion from YWAM Romania, Francis Obaika from YWAM Germany and Elise Sandas from YWAM Greece
Pitfalls: MoneyMay-21Leadership Lounge – Landa Cope
Pitfalls and Money

Drop In – Alket Sako, Sharon Neely and Jo Plummer
Pitfalls: Money

Round Up – Leadership Pitfall: Money
Terry Sherman from YWAM Heidebeek, Holland, Daniel Pop from YWAM Medias, Romania and Dale Lambert from YWAM Harpenden, England
Unity & Diversity, Social Media and PolarisationApr-21Leadership Lounge – Rebecca Koenig
Wise – Unity & Diversity, Social Media & Polarization

Drop In – Tim Solwoong Kim, Liz Waller, Violet Odnoralov
Wise – Unity & Diversity, Social Media & Polarization

Round Up – Media Wise – Unity & Diversity, Social Media & Polarisation
Valerie Clark (YWAM Harpenden), Alex Atwell (YWAM Enniskillen) and Mike Stephens (YWAM Sweden)
Building Authentic CommunityMar-21Leadership Lounge – Jeff Pratt
Building Authentic Community

Drop In – Steve Bishop and Krista Alexandersson
Building Authentic Community

Round Up – Building Authentic Community
Rita Pretorius (from YWAM Harpenden, England), Kyle Schlegel (from YWAM Kyiv, Ukraine) and Andrew Vaughan (from YWAM Uzice, Serbia
The Transforming Power of Mentoring and CoachingFeb-21Leadership Lounge – Matt Rawlins
The Transforming Power of Mentoring and Coaching

Drop In – Dick Brouwer, Alisa Sarhatyan, John Peachey and Wolfgang Jani
The Transforming Power of Mentoring and Coaching

Round Up – The Transforming Power of Mentoring and Coaching
Cheryl Harrison from YWAM Latvia and Irene Saether from YWAM Romania
Entrepreneurship and Thinking Outside the BoxJan-21Leadership Lounge – Joakim Magnus
Entrepreneurship and thinking outside the box

Drop In – Florin from Romania, Andrew Ford from Ukraine and Lucy from the UK
Entrepreneurship and thinking outside the box

Round Up – Entrepreneurship and Thinking Outside the Box
Miranda Berg from YWAM Prague, Czechia, Caleb Schmidt from YWAM in Berlin, Germany and Sasha Volyanyk from YWAM Trnopil, Ukraine
Maximising Life and Ministry FruitfulnessDec-20Leadership Lounge – Andreas Nordli
Maximising Your Life and Ministry Fruitfulness

Drop In – Erin Walker, Carrie Webb and Richard Leakey
Maximising Your Life and Ministry Fruitfulness

Round Up – Maximising Your Life and Ministry Fruitfulness
Roy Jones, Kimberly Brune and Ian Matchett
Leading Through Transition, Crisis and ChangeNov-20Leadership Lounge – “Martha”
Leading through transition (note this video is only available to members of our FB page)

Drop In – “Martha”, Georgie from King’s Lodge and Ash from Hernhut
Leading through transition (note this video is only available to members of our FB page)

Round Up – Leading Through Transition
Reto Grubler from YWAM Davos, Switzerland, Barbara Connor from Kings Kids International, based in Spain and Timos Christoforidis from YWAM Thessaloniki, Greece
Pioneering and PruningOct-20Leadership Lounge – Tom Bloomer
Pioneering and Pruning

Drop In – Garry Tissingh (Elder for Africa), Andrey Derkach (Convener Eastern Europe) and Clare Mulrooney (UofN training, Harpenden)
Pioneering and Pruning

Round Up – Pioneering and Pruning
Dennis Holt (YWAM Georgia), Amy Manninen (YWAM Helsinki) and Bart Harder (YWAM Constanta)